Alexithymia Test to Detect if You Are an Emotionally Distant Person

Do you find it hard to express what you feel? With the alexithymia test, you can discover if you have this personality trait. Alexithymia is not a disorder or illness, but depending on its intensity and secondary factors, it may be considered a symptom or personality characteristic.

So, there’s no need to worry if someone has labeled you as emotionally cold because this is not a pathology. With the following test, you can determine if you have alexithymia. But first, let’s explain what it is and how to spot the signs before answering the questionnaire.

It’s essential to approach this as a guideline since it does not replace psychological or psychiatric consultation. This is not a diagnosis; it’s only meant to provide insights.

What Is Alexithymia?

Alexithymia is broadly defined as the inability to identify and express emotions. However, it goes beyond emotions, encompassing distinct behavioral and cognitive components, making it, in many cases, a personality trait.

For instance, people with this trait may have difficulty imagining or being creative. Their information processing tends to be concrete, limited to what can be perceived through the senses, what is considered “concrete reality”.

On a behavioral level, they may appear introverted, detached, or highly anxious, seeking external validation or avoiding emotional contact altogether. As a result, they may isolate themselves voluntarily.

Alexithymia is neither a disorder nor an illness in itself. It can be a symptom of conditions like depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or severe childhood trauma. However, in some cases, it can be considered a personality trait, especially when it appears early in life and is not accompanied by other symptoms.

Symptoms of Alexithymia

The most noticeable feature of alexithymia is the inability to show emotions. However, other characteristics may include:

  • Difficulty imagining or dreaming.
  • Problems developing creativity.
  • Excessive rational thinking.
  • Inability to read others’ facial expressions.
  • Challenges in giving or receiving affection.
  • Preference for action over interpreting surroundings.
  • Lack of sexual desire or impotence.
  • Disproportionate reactions to emotions they can’t identify.

A “cold” person is often seen as emotionless. However, they may struggle to express their feelings correctly. If you know someone like this, try not to judge them; they do have emotions but find it hard to recognize or express them.

Similarly, if you consider yourself emotionally cold, don’t feel bad about struggling to interpret your feelings. Everyone is unique, and we all express emotions differently, to varying degrees.

What Is the Alexithymia Test?

The alexithymia test consists of a series of questions designed to determine the level of this trait in a person.

If someone has called you “cold,” you might exhibit some degree of alexithymia. However, being unable to express feelings doesn’t necessarily mean you have it. That’s why it’s crucial to reflect on yourself before jumping to conclusions.

Remember, any alexithymia test available online does not replace a professional diagnosis. It’s best to consult a psychologist for expert advice.

How Is the Alexithymia Test Conducted?

Typically, individuals suspecting alexithymia answer a multiple-choice questionnaire, with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) being the most recognized.

This test includes 20 questions and evaluates three dimensions:

  1. Difficulty identifying feelings.
  2. Difficulty describing feelings and thoughts.
  3. Tendency to focus on external aspects of emotional stimuli.

A specialist should administer this test. Additionally, providing dishonest answers may result in inaccurate outcomes.

Toronto Alexithymia Scale Results and Their Meaning

The TAS-20 results are scored between 20 and 100 points, with 20 indicating the absence of alexithymia and 100 indicating a strong presence of alexithymia. The interpretation is simple: lower scores suggest fewer alexithymia traits, while higher scores indicate more pronounced traits.

As with any psychological test, the results include a threshold score to quickly identify elevated alexithymia traits. For the TAS-20, this threshold is 61 points. The test also evaluates the respondent's position in the three dimensions.

How to Interpret the Results

Neither the TAS-20 nor any other alexithymia test should be used for self-diagnosis. It is always advisable to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist to better understand your results.

Free Online Alexithymia Test

This online test is based on the TAS-20 but should not be interpreted with TAS-20 criteria or as a psychological diagnosis. The result is purely indicative and should not replace professional help.

Answer the following questions with Yes or No, as sincerely as possible:

  1. Do you sometimes feel confused about your emotions?
  2. Do you find it difficult to say how you feel?
  3. Do you experience physical sensations that even doctors can’t explain?
  4. Can you easily express your feelings?
  5. Do you prefer analyzing problems over describing them?
  6. When you feel bad, do you struggle to distinguish between sadness, anger, or fear?
  7. Do your body sensations sometimes confuse you?
  8. Do you let things flow instead of searching for their origins?
  9. Do you have emotions you can’t identify?
  10. Do you think emotions are important?
  11. Are you unable to describe how you feel to others?
  12. Do people tell you to be more expressive?
  13. Do you struggle to understand what’s happening to you?
  14. Do you sometimes feel angry without knowing why?
  15. Do you prefer discussing activities with friends rather than asking how they feel?
  16. Do you feel more comfortable watching comedies than psychological thrillers?
  17. Can’t you reveal your deepest feelings even to your closest friends?
  18. Do you need to talk to someone to feel accompanied?
  19. Do you believe expressing feelings helps solve problems?
  20. Don’t you enjoy finding hidden meanings in movies?

Possible Results

Mostly “Yes”: If half or more of your answers are “Yes,” it may indicate alexithymia traits or difficulty identifying your feelings. Consider taking further tests or consulting a psychologist.

Mostly “No”: If half or more of your answers are “No,” this may suggest the absence of significant alexithymia traits. You likely recognize both your emotions and those of others effectively.