How to Overcome It? Online Fear of Commitment Test
Are you afraid of meeting someone new? The fear of commitment test can help you determine if you may have philophobia or difficulty expressing yourself.
While most people seek a relationship, many fear forming a sentimental bond with someone.
In this article, you’ll learn how to identify signs of fear of commitment and how to take the online test.
What is the Fear of Commitment Test?
The fear of commitment test is a set of questions designed to measure your ability to maintain a serious relationship. The results are not a definitive diagnosis, as only a professional can provide that.
Typically, these questionnaires include questions about exclusivity in relationships, avoidance of future discussions, and rejection of marriage.
Indicators That Someone Fears Commitment
Whether it’s your partner, a friend, or yourself, it’s relatively easy to notice when someone struggles to formalize a relationship. A person avoiding commitment often shows these signs:
- Prefers casual encounters over forming a deep emotional connection.
- Becomes intense or nervous when their partner brings up marriage or commitment.
- Finds excuses to avoid social or family activities.
- Refuses to visit their partner’s family home, believing it implies a step toward formalizing the relationship.
- Changes the subject when asked about the future of the relationship.
The fear of commitment test can help both men and women understand their level of phobia or insecurities about relationships.
Why Take the Fear of Commitment Test?
Although online fear of commitment tests are not based on clinical diagnoses, they can help you identify behavioral patterns.
It’s not enough to take it just once; try repeating it at intervals to observe changes over time.
Additionally, consulting a psychologist is essential, as the fear of commitment may stem from a past trauma or disorder that prevents you from forming new relationships.
Possible Results in a Fear of Commitment Test
If you’ve decided to take the fear of commitment test, you may encounter various online questionnaires. These typically include multiple-choice questions, and the possible results are:
1. Low Fear of Commitment
- It’s normal to have questions when taking the next step in a relationship, but there’s no rejection or fear of commitment. If you’re single, you’re open to meeting someone and starting something new.
2. Moderate Fear of Commitment
- Due to a bad experience in a past relationship, you may fear meeting new people. However, you don’t entirely rule out the idea of forming a bond and building a family together.
3. High Fear of Commitment
- You struggle to start a new relationship or interact with others, distancing yourself when feelings develop. To rule out any underlying condition, it’s best to seek psychological help immediately.
I’m Afraid of Commitment: Free Online Test
Below is a fear of commitment test to help you understand your situation. This should not be taken as a diagnosis but as a step toward seeking therapy and better guidance.
1. Do you believe you’ll never be able to live with someone in the future?
Yes / No
2. Were your past relationships brief and complicated?
Yes / No
3. Does the fear of suffering for love lead you to reject people who confess their feelings?
Yes / No
4. Do you prefer distancing yourself from someone when you start to like them?
Yes / No
5. Does the thought of marriage and having children scare you?
Yes / No
6. Do you hate being invited to watch a romantic movie or series?
Yes / No
7. Do you prefer reading books of any genre as long as they don’t touch on love or relationships?
Yes / No
8. Do you think a relationship would interfere with your current lifestyle?
Yes / No
9. Do you believe your past relationships brought something negative into your life?
Yes / No
10. Do you struggle to build a strong, lasting bond with someone?
Yes / No
- Majority of "Yes" Responses: You may have some fear of commitment, and it’s recommended to consult a psychologist for a professional opinion.
- Majority of "No" Responses: While you may prefer to take your time, you’re open to starting something new with the right person.
Steps to Overcome Fear of Commitment
If taking the fear of commitment test raises questions about what to do next, here are some steps to consider in addition to seeking therapy:
- Let Go of the Past: Just because you’ve been lied to doesn’t mean your future partner will repeat the same behavior.
- Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: Giving someone different a chance might lead to a wonderful experience and even a stable relationship.
- Build Trust in Others: Asking for help doesn’t compromise your independence; it complements it.
- Avoid Pointing Out Others’ Flaws: Nobody is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. Learn to lower your standards to find the right person.
- Express Your Feelings: Sometimes, honesty is crucial to protecting a relationship. The other person might understand and offer solutions to move forward together.
Remember, this issue can be resolved more easily if you trust professional help. This will enable you to break the mental barriers preventing you from starting a new relationship.